2 Quotes & Sayings By Judy Davis

Judy Davis is one of Australia's most accomplished and versatile actresses, having starred in theatre, film and television. Her seven Academy Award nominations include best actress for The End of the Affair, the first Australian actress to achieve this distinction. Her other screen credits include The Man from Snowy River, Crocodile Dundee, My Brilliant Career, A Cry in the Dark and a recurring role as Meryl Streep's mother in the television series, "Gilligan's Island." First published in 1987. Notable quotes: "A new kind of leader was emerging at that time. In a world of words and ideas he was a man of action who had created a body of work that was as powerful as anything that had been produced by those who led by initiative or inspiration Read more

He was an original, which is why he attracted attention." "Thomas Edison said 'Genius is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration'. But this man knew a new kind of genius – a genius for action – and it was this quality that not only made him so successful but also made him so remarkable." "He had the self-confidence of great men. In fact he believed that his success had been largely due to his own powers of will.

His will was total – total control over his mind and body – total control over himself." "He had little or no fear of failure. Indeed, he welcomed it as a necessary part of any project he undertook. Failure was not something to be avoided but something to be celebrated." "His power came from within rather than without.

And this inner power gave him the ability to identify with others so intimately that he could be seen as being one with them." "[Napoleon] Hill believed in using your mind rather than your muscles to get what you wanted." "It is essential to keep your body free from stress if you are going to develop your mind because if you are mentally tired you will have less enthusiasm for whatever it is that you are doing." "And yet he claimed that 'the world is your oyster if only you know where to dig'." "The way I see it there are at least two types of people when it comes to leadership: leaders who are aware of their potentials and leaders who are not aware of their potentials. This man possessed both qualities."